Sharon has lived her life in Clearwater the second of five daughters of a logging family. She and her wood worker husband Steve McIntosh continue to live, work and play in Wells Gray Park.
After finishing schooling and traveling around the world she returned to build a home and raise her children in the beauty and wildness of the Upper Clearwater Valley.
After working for the BC Forestry and then Wells Gray Parks she returned to school to study Health Sciences and Herbalism. She owns and runs Forest House Wellness Centre and Gardens. With an avid interest in Non Timber Forest Resources she sat for 7 years as a director on the board of Wells Gray Community Forest as the Non Timber Forest Product Chair. With Royal Roads University she coordinated a Symposium on Non timber Forest Resources. And with Simon Fraser University she works with mentoring Masters Students in Natural Resource Management. She produces and sells a wild herb product line (Wells Gray Wild) and teaches ‘Wildcrafting’ for NTFP’s and medicinal herbs promoting ethical and sustainable harvesting these annual field classes place focus on the healing and other intrinsic values of the interior forests.